Doing my hair 2moro at 12 noon... ran my warm ups twice.Otherwise things are pretty hush hush right now.Everything is fragile right now.A little bit tired .. did some running aroung today.Rained abit as well.
I am listenening to "old Songs" .. funny how one can listen to so many old songs and hv so many "favourites".But then when that one song comes on the radio,she falls in love with it all over again.
Personal topic today.My mother once told me ,"Never expect .. because when u expect and dont receive, you'll be disappointed." And funny how although those words are so simple, I never quite understood wat its felt like until these past few days.Other then that , i got a new bulb for my room instead of 40 watts, we got at 60 watts .So that was my highlight. lol
Anyway , i am not feeling so well.And probably gonna hit the sack.Talk to u guys 2moro.!!

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